Helpful resources to help farms and food producers grow, find opportunities and connect.
A variety of opportunities are available to farmers and food producers throughout the year. These federal, state, regional and non-profit organization grants target specific needs.
Find information about the best practices for handling, storing and preparing food to prevent food-borne illnesses, and resources for certifications.
Find information about some of the businesses and groups who can assist food producers.
Many organizations link farmers with land opportunities, whether for purchase or lease, as well as assisting landowners wanting to keep their land in farming.
There is a wide variety of job opportunities in agribusiness – on farms, in production, at nonprofit organizations, in culinary, and more - and there are resources to assist job seekers.
Learn about the laws and governance covering minimum wage requirements, unemployment, workers compensation and the Fair Labor Standard Act.
Several organizations support farmers, and agribusinesses to promote inclusive and efficient food systems and improve their access to markets, create decent employment and make nutritious food available.
Learn about projects which can assist and inform the inclusion of healthy, nutritious locally grown products in school food programs.