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Dew East Farm Winery, Germantown, NY

The experienced winemaking husband and wife team of Charlie Miller and Emma Rosenbush moved from California to Germantown in 2021 to make wines and ciders informed by the flavors of their new farm’s old apple orchard and the bounty of the state’s great grapes. They made their first wine in 2022 but were still waiting on approval of their farm winery license from the state to be able to sell, when it became clear that there was an immediate need for an equipment and infrastructure upgrade

Referred to HVADC by the Columbia Economic Development Corporation, they secured financing through the HVADC Agribusiness Loan Fund for processing and bottling equipment as well as a transportation truck.

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Agroindustria del valle de Hudson
Corporación de Desarrollo

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Hudson, Nueva York 12534

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© 2023 por la Corporación de Desarrollo de Agronegocios de Hudson Valley

HVADC es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3). HVADC es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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