Back to the Future Farms
HVADC worked with the owners to write a USDA Value-Added Producer Grant that would provide the necessary funding and working capital for their expansion project.
Battenkill Fibers
HVADC was able to apply for the grant on Battenkill’s behalf and assume responsibility for providing oversight and technical assistance to ensure the successful execution of the expansion.
Catskill Brewery
In 2016, Catskill Brewery took part in Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation (HVADC) Incubator Without Walls (IWW) program.
Chatham Brewing
HVADC provided consulting services and managed the brewery’s relationship with a brand development company who assisted them with a comprehensive strategic plan.
Dutch’s Spirits
HVADC has provided market access for Dutch’s Spirits and has assisted with regional product launches and awareness through our Hudson Valley Bounty program for several showcase events in Hudson Valley and New York City.
Hillrock Estate Distillery
HVADC was able to assist Hillrock with market research, business planning and intellectual property licensing.
Hudson Valley Seed Library
HVADC assisted the founder in developing cash flow projections to better manage working capital to support the growing sales volumes and assisted the business in securing an appropriate line of credit.
Laughing Earth Farm
HVADC, along with the Agricultural Stewardship Association, Scenic Hudson and Equity Trust began working with Annie and Zack Metzger, a young couple with over 20 years of farming experience between them, to help them realize their dream of owning their own farm.
Letterbox Farm Collective
In 2013 Letterbox took part in HVADC’s Incubator Without Walls (IWW) program.
Madava Farms
HVADC has worked with this growing business on their efforts to incorporate a commercial kitchen into their operation. HVADC also provided assistance with state and local related permitting challenges.
Monkshood Nursery
HVADC was able to provide business planning and financial services as well as organizational and logistical assistance.
Moxie Ridge Farm
Dirt Capital Partners then urged her to get in touch with HVADC, at which point Hennessy began participating in the Incubator Without Walls (IWW) program. Hennessy states that IWW was absolutely crucial to obtaining the Moxie Ridge property and business.
Noble Pies
HVADC has assisted the owners with the evaluation of a new location where they would be able to house both their bakery and coffee shop.
Pennings Farm
The current owners approached HVADC to seek assistance in evaluating the different options for expanding their cider operation and for incorporating their children into the operation as it continues to grow.
S&S Brewery
HVADC identified a service provider to work with the owners and assisted in the legal aspects of farm transition and business operations.
Sparrowbush Farm
HVADC provided Sparrowbush Farm with business planning and support services through the Incubator Without Walls to evaluate a lease-to-own opportunity for the farm.
Truncali Farms Inc
HVADC matched the business with a Computing Systems company that developed, installed and provided training for an effective food safety program that is now in place.
Whistle Down Farm
HVADC assessed the needs of the farm and connected them to a management consulting firm where the farm received assistance in business plan development to be used for securing business growth financing.
T: 518.432.5360
Teléfono: 888.317.5556
Agroindustria del valle de Hudson
Corporación de Desarrollo
507 Warren St., segundo piso
Hudson, Nueva York 12534
© 2023 por la Corporación de Desarrollo de Agronegocios de Hudson Valley
HVADC es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3). HVADC es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Para presentar una queja por discriminación, escriba a: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, o llame al (800) 795-3272 (voz) o (202) 720-6382 (TTD).