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HVADC Program: Meat Processing Expansion Grants Available through HVADC

May 2, 2023

Funding will encourage the increase of New York State sourced meat

Earlier this month HVADC opened up applications for one of the largest grant programs it has administered, a $5 million program to support the expansion of USDA inspected meat processing facilities across the state. HVADC is now administrating the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets’ Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program.

“Across the state, and in particularly here in the Hudson Valley, we have seen an increased demand for meat processing services as consumer demand for more locally sourced products has increased in the past three to five years,” said Todd Erling, Executive Director, HVADC. “At times it has been difficult for farmers to find capacity at USDA inspected meat processing facilities, which has restricted getting product to market. This grant program will go a long way in bolstering market viability for livestock farmers across the state,” he added.

The Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program helps to fund projects to support the expansion or retention of existing USDA inspected meat processing facilities and the establishment of new USDA inspected meat processing facilities to increase the capacity of New York sourced meat. This addresses the nationwide shortage of affordable meat available to consumers, including the availability of protein sources for schools and institutional facilities in the state. The grant program will make it easier for beef, pork, lamb, goats, poultry, and seafood farmers to process their products and get affordable, local meat into a variety markets, strengthening New York’s food supply chain and rural economies.

For meat processors, this grant program is available for capital projects that can range from $50,000 to $250,000 on a reimbursement basis. For grants of less than $100,000, a 10% recipient match is required. For grants of $100,000 to $250,000, a 20% recipient match is required. Grant funds may be used for the acquisition and installation of machinery, equipment and fixtures, or installation, renovation/leasehold improvements to an existing building.


“As soon as the program was announced we began to receive inquiries, and within the first week, the first application,” reported Erling. “This clearly demonstrates the need for this type of funding and the pent-up demand that was awaiting the availability of some support,” he continued.


To be eligible, applicants must be involved in the processing of meat products and be a legally recognized business entity organization in New York State in good standing. Those with current USDA inspection status or seeking to become a USDA-inspected processor may apply. Applicants must submit a detailed project plan or proposal that outlines the expansion, retention or establishment of a USDA inspected meat processing facility in New York State, including a detailed budget and timeline for the project. They must also demonstrate how their proposed project will increase the capacity of New York State sourced meat. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis, and funding will be awarded on a competitive basis. Funds will be available until state funds have been exhausted.

To learn more about the Meat Processing Expansion Grant program, or to apply, visit or contact Duane Stanton, HVADC Business Services Coordinator at

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